
Passive House ( the UK equivalent of Passivhaus ) is a low energy standard developed in Germany which focuses on reducing the heating required by a buildings to negligible levels, thus negating the requirement for a traditional heating system.


Passive House design ensures that an excellent thermal envelope is provided (well insulated), reduces thermal bridges (building elements which pass through the insulation allowing heat transference), is extremely air tight (eliminates leaks and draughts) and has whole house ventilation via a highly efficient Heat Recovery Unit (heat is transferred from the stale air being exhausted to the entering fresh air – the air never mixes). This maintains the internal temperature and is therefore very energy efficient, especially when combined with a renewable means of water heating, such as solar thermal.

Your house could have energy bills as low as £100 per year!

We are Certified European Passive House Designers allowing us to design to this rigorous standard.

The design is proven by carrying out energy modelling PHPP calculations, ensuring that the building will operate as expected and will not overheat. This also allows the opportunity to review implications on specification changes, ensuring the design is as cost effective as possible.

Passive House can be suitable for many building uses, not just dwellings, and can be suitable for new build, conversion and retrofitting. Retrofitting to the Passive House standard is called EnerPHit and follows the same principles as Passivhaus.

As well as offering a full Passive House design service, we offer Passive House Consulting to other design professionals. If you are an Architect or designer looking to prove your design, we offer a development and feedback service relating to the Passive House Standard and can carry out Passive House compliance checks.

Please contact us to discuss the benefits, and drawbacks, of designing to the Passive House standard.

Ease of life with Passive House

It’s not all about the energy efficiencies. A Passivhaus offers amazing internal comfort levels throughout the year. With triple glazing, you can sit next to the window without feeling cold. With no cold bridges, there is no condensation so no mould growth. The ventilation system provides constant fresh air, even with the windows closed. Warm in winter, cool in summer, perfect all year.